Maximize your income. Minimize your investment.
The RefnWin Real Estate Platform helps developers in trendy destinations sell to international investors. The platform connects your properties and developments to Real Estate Agents, brokers and investors worldwide. We do the marketing to increase and multiply your presence in the global marketplace, so you have a minimal marketing investment.
Global Network
Connect with real estate agents around the world. You decide who markets your developments and with what information.
Get your Developments to go Viral
Communicate your property’s best features to real estate agents so they can showcase you to their clients across the globe.
Less Investment More Quality Leads
Control the entire sales process when you generate leads directly from your new sales network.
Broadcast your Developments, increase your Profit with Less Time and Money Invested
Promote your developments through RefnWin’s networking platform and collaborate globally with real estate agent’s clients and followers. You will receive the lead directly in your RefnWin account, so you can start managing it your way, without intermediaries.
In essence, with a minimum amount of time and money developers multiply their exposure three ways by featuring their properties to RefnWin, First2Buy, and Real Estate Agents and their clients.
Advanced Technology
Make your developments visible to potential customers and the new sales network through a website and an app. Include information about your development that you’d like to share through newsletters, brochures, videos, WhatsApp, and post on different social networks, etc.